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June 21, 2016 Update

Good evening!

Just a few things.....

The pool will officially open Tuesday, June 21st at Noon!

Anyone interested in donating an hour a week at the pool gate to take in money should contact Jenn Riedy at


Our first Sunday night services will be held June 26th at 7:00PM. The Grace Notes will welcome us back to Waldheim!

PS – if you notice better sound quality, express your gratitude to Brad Waldman who’s been working on the sound system all week with his experts!


The first potluck dinner for the season will be held on Wednesday, June 22nd at 6:00PM. Please RSVP to with a head count if you plan to attend. We will be serving BBQ Chicken! Bring your favorite side dish or dessert! Friends of Waldheim are welcomed!

We still need volunteers to run the stand on Sunday nights from 8:00-9:00PM. You will only be selling ice cream. We really need your help! We also need volunteers for other Civic activities. Sign up sheets will be available at the dinner!


There will be a wedding held on Saturday, June 25th at 1:00PM. Please remember.....the use of power tools/weed whackers/mowers/leaf blowers are banned during the ceremony.


The Grounds and Maintenance Committee does a monumental job throughout the year here at the park. Their job is to replace, repair and maintain the buildings and equipment in the park and keeping the grounds maintained. They do not get paid. Richard Souilliard heads off this committee. Harrison Leuckel takes care of leaves, drains and ditches. Don Smith takes care of keeping the Tabernacle clean, the timers working and setting up the sound system. Ed Wigfield takes care of the kummesse, upper pavilion and playground. Herb Leibach takes care of the trees and Dennis Carwell takes care of the equipment, mowing the grass and helps Dick with getting the pool ready (along with a few other members). And last but not least, Charlie Knapp....who takes care of the water testing (along with Mike Canfield), summer-winter water connections (along with Harrison, Dick, Mike and Herb), the PPL light poles and mailboxes. We should never take these hardworking guys for granted! They are a blessing. Thanks for all you do!

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